App For Musicians

Find New Musician

This is a music-focused mobile application that is used to distribute information on concerts, music videos, and artist profiles all in one place. Artists can use the application to attract new fans and promote songs. General users can use the application to meet and discover new music and musicians.

This UI was in progress in a project. However, for some reason, it was not possible to publish it. I created a UI for this app, but I felt sad that everyone could not see it, and I asked the client for confirmation. The client has accepted for publication. So that's a re-creation of that UI.

This app can distribute concert information, music videos, and profiles all at once. It also helps to attract guests and promote songs. Users can also enjoy meeting and discovering new musicians through the app.

Three types of information, "Concerts information", "Music Videos", and "Artist Profile" are displayed on the Home screen, making it easy to both find artists with information other than songs as well as find artists with similar styles to the user's preferences.

Musicians who are still not well-known use SNS/blogs to share their activities, and this functions as another such a platform. Within the app, users can see their daily statistics of "Likes," "Shares," and "Follows" to help understand the motivations and reactions of fans as they spread information.

This work took about 9 months and was realized using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. The target screen size is W375px * H667px (smartphone App for iOS).

This Design was awarded Bronze in A' Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design Award in 2020. The Bronze A' Design Award is bestowed upon outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Esteemed for incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, they exhibit strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Takuya Saeki
Image Credits: Takuya Saeki
Project Team Members: Takuya Saeki
Project Name: App For Musicians
Project Client: Takuya Saeki

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App For Musicians IMG #3
App For Musicians IMG #4
App For Musicians IMG #5
App For Musicians IMG #5

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